Then there's Saints Row IV, kicking its feet up on the desk of the Oval Office. Suddenly, a grounded gangster series featured KGB clones and flying aircraft carriers. Saints Row: The Third took the insanity of the previous game and ran a marathon with it. Saints Row 2 hit the sweet spot, balancing wacky diversions with a hardcore b-action story. Play+in+traffic.Every Saints Row game, I think, represents the commercialization of both the 3 rd Street Saints and the franchise itself. The airstrike is also effective against gang members, old people getting in your way, hippies.pretty much anyone.Īnother delightful tool in your inventory is the Reaper Drone, which lets you pilot missiles while you hide from a safe distance. Then you're free to make a clean getaway. Simply aim, select your target, and wait a moment while hellfire is rained down upon your enemies. But not to worry if you have the airstrike in your arsenal. A group of squad cars will likely create a road block and the officers will be firing at you from behind their vehicles.

Like most open-world games, cause too much trouble and the police will be on your back. Want to be a she-hulk or a 90-year old crack whore zombie? The only limit is your effed up imagination. You can set an age, give yourself blemishes and scars, and even select a voice. The character customization goes much deeper than this example. So our character was a hot Asian girl with huge boobs running around in just a short miniskirt and a wolf mask. We added a cheerleader miniskirt and, the piece de resistance, a giant wolf head mask. In order to get the full benefit of our assets, we made our character topless (although the boobs will appear highly pixilated while running around the game). Next, we cranked up our sex appeal until our boobs would give us serious back problems. Boring, right? So we stopped by the plastic surgeon and before we knew it we were a hot Asian girl. Saints Row: The Third lets you customize your character to your own specifically perverted liking.